
by / Chitatu, 02 Gumiguru 2019 / rakabudiswa muna ETN231
kutora kunze unit - ETN231
Kana iwe uine chero mibvunzo kana iwe uchida kugamuchira rumwe ruzivo, taura nesu kana kuti zadza fomu rekuonana riri pazasi pepeji ino.

Take out unit for 1KUPURA blow moulder type 2L – with integrated high voltage leak tester


Surprisingly, most machine suppliers don’t integrate a bottle take out unit themselves.
Nekuda kweizvozvo, kudiwa kwakasimuka kwehurongwa kune bata mabhodhoro kubva pamushini. Ndokuzo vagadzike pasi pane anodhirowa, kudyisa mabhodhoro kunze kwemuchina, takananga pakadzika.

Naizvozvo, isu kuDelta Engineering tinosanganisira a vacuum conveyor sarudzo pamishini yedu yese. Iyo vhesi inovimbisa a kugadzikana kudzikama yemabhodhoro, kunyanya ne husina kugadzikana, pamusoro-unorema mabhodhoro.
Zvakare, izvi zvimwe zvinodikanwa pamitsetse inokurumidza.

Additionally, the take out unit will wedzera mutsara wako OEE. Zvakare, tichaigadzirira. Kunyanya iyo kuendesa chikamu neyedu 15 ° junctions ichaona a kunetseka-pasina kushanda, kudzivisa mabhodhoro anodonha.

Nyaya dzinokosha

Tine mhando dze mureza take out units, but we can also patani imwe yemushini wako 'usina kunyorwa'.

  • Nekudaro, kutora hanya kwakakosha kana uchigadzira michina kutora, nekuti vatengesi vemuchina havawanzo kugovera avo mafaera emuchina we 3D.
    Izvi zvinogadzira dzimwe njodzi, sezvo kazhinji vatengi vedu vakataraira kare muchina uye isu taizokwanisa chete kuyera ruzivo kana muchina wacho uri pane saiti. Kunyanya, hapana nguva yekumirira chikamu cheinjiniya uye izvi zvinogona kuve nemaitiro asina kunaka. Ehe, izvi ndezve chete mamiriro kune asina kunyorwa makina pane yedu saiti, kana neshanduro itsva dzayo.
    Naizvozvo, zvakakosha kuti chenjerera and to bvumidza nguva yakakwana mukuronga kuita izvi nenzira kwayo.

  • Besides, take out units have another burden as well, namely kuchengetedzwa kwemuchina.
    Kunyangwe kazhinji kazhinji ichiregeredzwa, zvakanyanyisa hapana shanduko pamakina ekudzivirira emuchina zvinogoneka, kunyangwe vari isina kuchengetedzeka by default. Often, take out units are sold with a built-in declaration, leaving responsibility with the plant manager or the owner of the business.
    Nechikonzero ichi, isu tinotenda kuti zviri nani kutenga michina iyi kubva ku muchina wekugadzira, kuchengeta mabasa kwakasimba.

Chero mamiriro ezvinhu, tinogona kukubatsira uye uve neinjiniya yekuita patani chero chaida iwe kuti uite bvisa mabhodhoro nenzira isina njodzi!

Tine mhinduro dzakasiyana inoratidzwa nekufamba kwenguva, yakanyorwa pane yedu saiti.


We designed the take out unit ETN231 to take the bottles out of the 1BLOW 2L mupini wekuumba. Before placing the bottles onto the take-out conveyor, the machine performs a high voltage leak test. In this way, it is possible to detect microcracks on the bottom of the blown bottle. Then, bad bottles are blown out of the conveyor, whereas good bottles continue.

Furthermore, the machine has a function to eject bad blown bottles, before the test. This is only necessary during the start-up, when the machine might still produce preforms.

Uyezve, the urefu ye mutyairi anogona nyore be adjusted electrically. The take out unit can handle a whole range of bottles, of heights ranging from 50 mm to 360 mm. Additionally, the conveyor is a Vacuum conveyor, so smaller and unstable bottles remain on the conveyor during the setting down. Besides, the conveyor can nyore be akabatanidzwa to and yakabviswa from the blow moulding machine, thanks to the 2 quick release connections and wheels.


Take out unit for KAUTEX blow moulder type KEB3: ETN220_KEB3,
for KAUTEX blow moulder mhando KEB5: ETN220_KEB5

Toraout unit yeAOKI blow moulder mhando 250: ETN200_250,
for AOKI blow moulder mhando mazana matatu: ETN200_350,
uye yeAOKI blow moulder mhando 500 (servo): ETN200_500

Take out unit for NISSEI blow moulder type 12M: ETN210_12M,
for NISSEI blow moulder mhando 12N / 10: ETN210_12N10,
for NISSEI blow moulder Type 50MB: ETN210_50MB,
uye yeNISSEI blow moulder mhando 70DPH: ETN210_70DPH




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